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Software Engineering

What is the Sofware Engineer doing?

Software engineer is focusing mainly on the design, development, maintenance, testing, and evaluation of the software. He must deeply understand how the programming language works and how to make it works properly to satsify bussines needs

Beside this, he is requested to demonstrate and deliver to the customer the best solution that suits the customer’s environment.

What are the Software Engineer tracks?

Any software engineer can specialize in one or many fields in programming. Each field has its own career and levels of engineering the candidate can go through. All of these fields are required in the market in different ways.

Everyone can choose among these programming tracks and focus to be an expert in one or more tracks.

Below are  some tracks of software:

  1. Application developer.

  2. Web Developer.

  3. Mobile App Developer

  4. IOT Developer.

  5. Machine Learning Software Engineer.

Application Develper

Application developers use programming languages and source code to create software that meets client requirements. Developers may work with multiple programming languages and operating systems. 

The application developers must have the following personal skills:

  • One programming language or more

  • Work under pressure.

  • Good analysis.

  • Work in a team.​​

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Web Developer

Web developer is responsible for designing, coding and modifying websites, from layout to function and according to a client's specifications. Strive to create visually appealing sites that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation.

He also need to have the following skills:

  • Strong understanding of UI.

  • Understanding general web functions and standards .

  • Programming languages such as HTML,CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and API's.

  • Web Services (REST/SOAP).

Mobile Application Developer

Mobile Applciation developer is responsible for designing, coding and modifying Mobile apps, from layout to function and according to a client's specifications. Strive to create visually appealing applications that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation..

He also need to have the following skills:

  • Apache Cordova.

  • Objective-C and swift .

  • Java.

  • Programming languages such as HTML,CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and API's.

  • Web Services (REST/SOAP).

IOT Developer

IOT Devekoper is the one who can write code to controle machines and recive or send data to sensors and enable user interface to controle devices via the internet.

He also need to have the following skills:

  • Good Information about Microcontrollers.

  • Good knowldge about Sensors (Analog and Digital).

  • Cloud Connectivity.

  • Analytics of DATA generated by Sensors.

  • Network.

Machine Learining Software Engineer

ML Software Engineer is the one who teaching a machine to do somthing and be more intellegant. ML is field of artificail intellegnce and this field is booming now . to be a ML developer you should has a alot of skills such as

  • Computer Science Fundamentals.

  • Probs and Stats.

  • Data Modeling and Evaluation.

  • Machine Learning Algorithms Application.

  • System Designing and Software Engineering.

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